Jesus Rejected at Nazareth
Mark 6:1-7
- Find a quiet place without distractions.
- Be comfortably alert, still, and at peace.
- Say the Lord’s Prayer. Sing or cant the Jesus Prayer.
- Pray for family, friends, neighbors, and yourself.
- Slowly and carefully read the passage of Scripture.
- Luke 4:16-30 has Luke’s account of Jesus’ rejection at Nazareth. The Gospel writer has this event earlier in the ministry of Jesus than does Matthew and Mark. In Luke the rejection goes to an extreme: there is an attempt to kill Jesus. Not known why Matthew and Mark are silent.
- Jesus taught as one who had authority and it amazed his home town folk since they knew he was not educated as a rabbi. They knew Jesus all too well.
- They knew he did miracles also, yet this did not impact them or become evidence of something more.
- Jesus was known as a carpenter, a tekton — A worker in wood, metal, and stone.
- His family was known to them as well. Joseph is not mentioned as he was likely dead at this point. Four brothers, two sisters, children of Mary and Joseph after Jesus’ birth. James and Judas (Jude) would become disciples of their half-brother and would write letters that are in our New Testament.
- The whole family “took offense at him.” Shocking, but not so really as it requires the revealing of the Holy Spirit before anyone really knows who Jesus actually is.
- The old proverb expressing a saying that prophets are not appreciated among those who know them – Jesus much to common to be specially used of God.
- Little ministry occurred in Nazareth as a result.