Mark 8:34-9:1
Jesus’ Four “For’s” or A Different kind of kingdom
- Find a quiet place, alone and apart from distractions.
- Be comfortably alert, still and at peace.
- Recite the Lord’s Prayer. Sing or cant the Jesus Prayer
- Pray for family, friends, neighbors, and yourself.
- Slowly and carefully read the passage of Scripture.
- Reread it. From memory, determine the central points.
- The If in verse 34, “If anyone would come after me” is a 3rd class condition meaning there may be those who do.
- The maybe nature to following Jesus is because it is costly: self-denial, taking up of the cross, losing his or her life, and not being ashamed of Jesus.
- Self-denial–to turn from that which is unholy and to seek to serve and please God rather than ourselves, both of which are contrary to our natural instincts and nature.
- To take the cross is to identify with the death of Jesus, His dying in our place and for us, in order that our sin be covered. What an odd message indeed, to be washed in the blood of the Lamb.
- Losing one’s life rather than seeking health, wealth, fame, fortune, honor among people, and much more. It is seeking first the kingdom. It is giving all to obtain the pearl of great price and that treasure hidden in the field.
- Not being ashamed to identify with Jesus and His Gospel means among other things, not being afraid to say the Name of Jesus when we know it will likely bring unfavorable reaction.
- An adulterous and sinful generation is not a fan of that which is holy and righteous. And the pressure to conform to it is great indeed.
- To be ashamed of Jesus now only will result in His being ashamed of us when the kingdom of God arrives in power. And this event’s advent is merely a matter of time.