Peter and John Before the Council, part 2, and The Believers Pray for Boldness


The Book of Acts # 13

Peter and John Before the Council part 2

and The Believers Pray for Boldness

  1. Find a quiet place, alone and apart from distractions.
  2. Be comfortably alert, still and at peace.
  3. Say the Lord’s Prayer. Sing or cant the Jesus Prayer
  4. Pray for family, friends, neighbors, and yourself.
  5. Slowly and carefully read the passage of Scripture.
  6. Reread it. From memory, determine the central points.
  7. The boldness of Peter and John—they might have been flogged or worse—this by the Holy Spirit since they were common folk, with no real backing in Jerusalem.
  8. The Council threatens but knows they cannot do much more. Charging the apostles not to talk about Jesus any longer, Peter replies that they cannot, will not, stop doing so. Here is the origin of Christian-style civil disobedience.
  9. Peter and John return to the fledgling assembly of followers of Jesus and make their report. (It is likely that either Nicodemus or Joseph of Arimathea reported on the inner workings of the Council.)
  10. Now comes the first recorded prayer of the first Christian gathering, and which begins with, “Sovereign Lord.”
  11. The prayer almost seems to have been written down either before hand or afterward. We notice that “they” prayed and not a single individual. Wish we knew more of this.
  12. In verse 28 the word “predestined” stands out. The Christians saw all that had taken place as something planned by the sovereign God. Even the actions of Herod and Pilate, as well as by the rulers of Israel had been predestined, and these, either known or determined in eternity.
  13. The prayer is for two things: One-boldness to preach, and two-that God would grant signs and wonders through, or by, Jesus the Messiah. And this prayer was answered

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