The second edition of Islamic Studies is now available at It is expanded 60% over the original edition. It is everything one would need to know about Islam. Below is the Table of Contents.To find it at Amazon type in, Kent Philpott Islamic Studies. The price is $27.00, wish it were lower but…
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Preface vi
Introduction 1
Islamic Studies Outline 3
A Summary of Understanding Islamic Theology 28
Sharia Law: An Introduction 69
Sharia Law: A Summary for Sunni Islam 71
Sharia Law: A Summary for Shia Islam 97
Ultimate Intentions of Islam 115
A Summary of The Exorcist Tradition in Islam 117
Commentary on the books by Ayaan Hirsi Ali 127
Commentary on No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam by Reza Aslan 143
A Response to the Call for Reform by Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Reza Aslan 156
Basic Details of the Qur’anic Chapters 158
A Short Biography of Muhammad’s Life 162
The Crescent and Star Symbol 164
The Sira: The Biography of Muhammad 166
The Miracles of Muhammad and Jesus: A Comparison 170
Essays on Islam 176
A Follower of Muhammad? A Follower of Jesus? 178
Were the Crusaders and Inquisitors Christians? 180
Looking at Muslims 187
A Fundamental Error of Islam 189
The Weakness of Islam 191
Islam’s Cultic Connection 193
My First Essay on Islam 200
Shame versus Guilt 203
Abrogation or Progressive Revelation? 207
Eid Al-Adha: Who Has it Right? 213
The Making of an Extremist 217
But . . . It Is Warfare! 222
Who Is Gabriel? 225
Debating with Muslims 236
Was Jesus Crucified? 251
Answering A. Deedat’s Combat Kit Against Bible Thumpers 261
Islamic Hygiene 289
Christian Hygiene? 294
Names Given to Muhammad in the Qur’an and Hadith 296
Twenty-Five Ways 298
Significant Muslim Populations 301
Three Religious Movements Associated with Islam 305
Ministries to Muslims 313
Glossary: Terms Related to Islam 315
Annotated Bibliography 344
Index 353