The Gospel of John
John 21:1–25
Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples, Jesus and Peter,
Jesus and the Beloved Apostle
Find a quiet place, alone and apart from distractions. Be comfortably alert, still, and at peace. Say the Lord’s Prayer. Sing or cant the Jesus Prayer. Pray for family, friends, neighbors, and yourself. Slowly and carefully read the passage of Scripture.
1. Chapter 21 of John’s Gospel is considered an ‘epilogue’ that was written some time following the writing of the main text of the Gospel. It is evident that the chapter is an eye witness account.
2. Over the centuries commentators have mentioned three possible reasons for the inclusion of chapter 21.
3. One, that the resurrection was actual, that Jesus was not a spiritual entity, a ghost, an angel, or anything other than the real Jesus, now risen from the dead. He actually ate a breakfast in full view of His seven disciples.
4. Two, that the reputation and position of Peter is established by Jesus thus preventing Peter’s betrayals from following him. Jesus gives Peter fresh encouragement and direction.
4. Three, is that John is clearing up a misunderstanding that had been noised abroad to the effect that he would live until the return of Jesus.
5. The seven disciples, likely those who lived in that part of Galilee, had returned to their homes and work. Jesus performs another sign by the catching of 153 fish. Proof to the fisherman of the authority and power of Jesus.
6. Jesus walks along the beach of the Sea of Galilee with Peter and assures him of His love and concern in addition to giving Peter an opportunity to express his love for Jesus.
7. Concluding the conversation with Peter, Jesus makes it clear that He had not told John that he, John, would never die.
8. The timing of this is debated. Did it happen before the ascension, between the ascension and Pentecost, or after Pentecost. It remains a mystery to this day.