Luke 2:8–21
Find a quiet place, alone and apart from distractions. Be comfortably alert, still and at peace. Say the Lord’s Prayer. Sing the Jesus Prayer. Pray for family, friends, neighbors, and yourself. Carefully read the passages of Scripture.
1. Shepherds were not thought highly of in that era. It was a rough life, dirty, even dangerous. Interestingly, the term “pastor” corresponds to or is the same as “shepherd.”
2. It is not known when in the year this event took place. Could have been almost any time of the year. Early Christians celebrated the birth of Jesus on December 25 as it was a pagan holiday when even slaves and other despised ones were given freedom for a day.
3. It is not known why God the Father chose to reveal the birth of His Son to these people who would become the first evangelists, but He did. Very encouraging to us now.
4. The angel sent by God announces good news of great joy to the shepherds (this phrase is equivalent to Gospel), which will be for all people, not only the Jewish people. And it will all take place in the city of David, or Bethlehem.
5. Suddenly there was a large number of angels present and speaking, likely singing, to the shepherds an incredible message.
6. The shepherds set of to Bethlehem and are guided by some means to the place where Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus were. They become instant evangelists, spreading the word, while Mary, Luke tells us, was deep in thought and contemplation.
7. The shepherds return to their work protecting the sheep all the while glorifying and praising God.
8. After eight days, Mary and Joseph take baby Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem for the customary circumcision.