Gospel Meditation
Luke 24:36–53
Find a quiet place, alone and apart from distractions. Be comfortably alert, still and at peace. Say the Lord’s Prayer. Sing or cant the Jesus Prayer. Pray for family, friends, neighbors, and yourself. Slowly and carefully read the passage of Scripture. Two stories now.
1. After the reports of the “eleven” are made by the two disciples heading toward Emmaus, that they had seen the risen Christ, plus that Peter had also seen the risen Christ, Jesus appeared to the eleven. And they were startled at this.
2. Jesus then shows them his hands and feet marred by the nails driven in them, then lets them touch Him. So seeing, hearing, and touching Jesus they understand that it is really Him, alive and risen from the dead.
3. Jesus explains that the things they have witnessed had been foretold in Moses (his five books), in the prophets, and in the Psalms, and that now they are witnesses to these things.
4. Then comes the great commission: the followers of Jesus are sent out to proclaim these saving events. But they are to stay in the city until they are empowered for this work, and this we read about in the early chapters of Acts.
5. Leaving Jerusalem, Jesus and the apostles walk out of the city and toward Bethany. Somewhere on the way, Jesus “lifting up his hands” blessed the apostles.
6. At that point He was “carried up into heaven.”
7. After worshipping Him they returned to Jerusalem, full of joy and continued going to the temple to bless God.